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A Fat To Skinny Weight Loss Story You Do Not Want To Miss

A Fat To Skinny Weight Loss Story You Do Not Want To Miss

A good #Fat to #Skinny #Weight loss story is one that I thoroughly enjoy and I hope you do too! I, myself, have a great #weight loss story as I am a man of 5'9” and I weighed in at 260 pounds when I first went on the #WeightWatchers food plan.

My #WeightLoss journey started with the very #strict #WeightWatchers Food plan that consisted of a no nonsense type of dieting that didn't allow any room to wiggle while on the diet. #Peanut butter was not allowed at all! Strict portions of food being weighed out with a food scale and “must attend” weight in #WeightWatchers meetings every week.

But, this fat to skinny weight loss story is not about me at this time. I will be sharing my #weightloss story with you later on.

This #fat to #skinny story is about the founder of the #WeightWatchers International. Her name is Jean Slutsky #Nidetch.

#Nidetch's journey down the road of #weightloss didn't give any resemblance to our #WeightWatchers of today.

Jean #Nidetch's father was thin but her mother was fat, unlike me, who had a thin father and mother. She loved to eat and ended up being a fat teenager and married a man who loved to eat also. Actually loving to eat and having a partner who love to eat was very normal back in the late 1940s.

After an incident that upset her (someone asked her when she was “due”, ) #Nidetch decided to get some help in losing weight. The end result was that she enrolled in The New York City Department of Health Obesity #Clinic. This clinic had a very strict #diet and she soon lost 20 pounds. However she decided right away that she needed some friends to help her in her quest for #Weightloss. This began some of the very first #WeightWatchers #meetings that began with some of her friends. Once she had explained the diet, they started meeting weekly. Her weight loss success story soon turned into #Weight Watchers International.

The founder of Weight Watchers, Jean Nidetch, based her first food weight loss plan on the New York City Weight loss plan, and she stressed not crash dieting, but safe weight loss by eating a good healthy diet every day for the rest of your life.

Today we know this weight loss plan and the #Weight Watchers 360 #PointsPlus Plan and the latest #Weight Watchers #SimpleStart Two Week Plan. We have the fantastic weight loss tools as soon as we join Weight Watchers, such as Weight Watchers online meetings, local meetings, Weight Watchers App and more.

Do you need to lose weight? Then by all means join #WeightWatchers today!
I did, and I have never regretted it for a moment.

Brought to you by Captain Al's Bookstore
Capt A

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